miss chloe valentina and miss juniper sky were in the nutcracker on sunday. they were peppermints and pretty much the cutest things you ever did see : ) the show was awesome and the girls did a fantastic performance!
all dressed with make-up and hair done.
lemme just say one thing about chloe's hair... the dance nazis told me that i HAD to put chloe's up in a slicked back ponytail because they have this wierd complex about having all the dancers look the same. wierd. but yeah, chloe's got pretty short hair so i basically used up an entire bottle of gel trying to make her hair stay back. it was quite an ordeal! then i had to put fricking makeup on her . she was a trooper though...
chloe & juni
chloe is freeeeezing in this picture! it was a cold morning.
here they are:
oh my hell Jeni, they are SO cute! And they did such a good job! I can't wait until Linny is old enough to do dance classes... :)
awww jen!!! so glad you posted the video!! too cute!! thanks for playing such a huge role in the whole thing. juniper would not have been able to do it without you. you are the best. thanks for always being there, and for going to so many of the crazy practices, and getting all their shit together, and finding junipers random dance things that i forgot to put out!! man...seriously..what would i do without you???
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