clay, me, and chloe v.

clay, me, and chloe v.
tee hee

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

the fair... part deux

back to back days at the alameda county fair. i guess you could call me a "fair fanatic"having a little pre-fair fun in the car. gotta lather up with sunscreen!

look at the big guy! he doesn't look very excited but he was super stoked to go on the rides by himself.

chloe and juniper... bestest of friends my little star! she loved singing songs into the microphone. american idol here we come!!
june is such a good big sister.
chloe saying "CHEESE!!!!"
pretty much the cutest kids ever!!! (in my humble opinion.. he he)

riding the tug boat. friends=family

thats chloe... putting her arms in the air while riding the roller coaster.
i know its just a kiddie roller coaster, but i HAD to scream anyways.

yep. thats avery on a leash. that kid is too smart cause he unbuckled his leash about a hundred times.

clay won 3 goldfish!!! woot!
he named them: swisher, ellis, and chavez. hmm... do you think we're A's fans?
oh yeah!!! little man is 36 inches. he's a big boy now!
fun fun fun.

1 comment:

Lori Huneke said...

you caught me red handed using my leash!!! damn kid...keeps me on my toes. i the time a child is able to unbuckle the sorts of things like car seats, stroller straps, leashes, then...he should be old enough to know better! goodness...goodness...i swear..