clay, me, and chloe v.

clay, me, and chloe v.
tee hee

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

how does my garden grow...

my garden has been looking pretty sad lately so i thought it would be fun for me and chloe to go to home depot to pick out some new flowers to plant. i let chloe pick out most of the flowers... she really liked the mums and had to get one of every color. i picked out a pretty Hawaiian-type plant and some cute orange and yellow flowers... twenty bucks well spent at home depot!
we came home. put on our matching gardening gloves. and got to work.
chloe took this shot of me... see how she took all the mums out and lined them up? chloe loves any excuse to play in the dirt. and she's quite the little gardener! musta gotten her momma's green thumb : )
she dug up some wormsand played with themso here it is: my new and improved garden: some new additions to my garden:

i'll post another blog when the flowers start blooming cause right now it looks kinda lame. but im excited... i love new flowers.