clay, me, and chloe v.

clay, me, and chloe v.
tee hee

Monday, February 18, 2008

pretending its summer

well, with all the beautiful weather we've been having lately, chloe and i decided it was probably a good time for a pedicure... mommy-and-me style : ) chloe had to get her bathing suit on, ofcourse. we just sat outside and painted each other's toes. it was great! here is a before pic:

the supplies... complete with a rootbeer that we shared (chloe just had to get that in the picture... ha ha ha)

here's my multi-tasking daughter... painting her toes and posing for a picture at the same time.

chloe painted her nails purple and i opted for pink with white dots. it was rad to pretend it was summer that afternoon. i was tempted to break out the kiddy pool... hmm... maybe next time : )Posted by Picasa