clay, me, and chloe v.

clay, me, and chloe v.
tee hee

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

its always fun at baba's house

chloe and i ditched out on gymnastics on tuesday so we could go out to baba jules' house to meet the new goat! she's adorable! the kids had a great time playing with the goat, exploring the backyard, playing on the slip n slide... it was a rad afternoon. and now i really cant wait for summer!

look at them cuddling the goat. too cute

this will make no sense at all to most people but this was a conversation between me and la last night. we were making ice cream sundaes and the bottom of the jar of caramel totally broke off in a perfect circle for no apparent reason at all. dumbfounded by what had just happened, lori and i turned to each other...

me: how does that happen? how does that happen?

la: i dont know... am i high?

love you la : )


Unknown said...

I want a goat to sleep in my bed! Ummmm, yeah, you were high!

Lori Huneke said...

how does that happen how does that happen???
i mean really!?????? what!???
go david cook!