clay, me, and chloe v.

clay, me, and chloe v.
tee hee

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

i've been slacking on my blog

holy crap! i havent blogged in a month! what have i been doing? well, ive been hell of sick. barfing, barfing, and more barfing.pretty much confined to the couch or my bed. it sucks. a lot. the doctors don't know whats wrong with me but i have an appointment with a GI specialist tomorrow so hopefully i can get some tests done and solve the problem. and on top of that i have a fricking head cold so im all full of snot and my sinuses are all clogged up. so.. ive been out of it needless to say. but im feeling pretty good today so i thought i would catch up on my blogging ( im so productive ha ha!)

some exciting news: my bro is (finally) home!!! well, actually right now he is in maine visiting his new girlfriend that he met on his trip to thailand. im so happy for him cause he hasnt had a girl since he was, like, 14. but the chick lives across the country... you'd think he could find a girl a little closer to home but whatevs... as long as he's happy!

chloe and uncle, playing guitar and singing together. chloe is sooo excited to have her uncle back! i swear, she follows him around like a puppy dog... its super cute!

1 comment:

Lori Huneke said...

oh wow! those pictures are priceless!! welcome home craig! yay!!!