clay, me, and chloe v.

clay, me, and chloe v.
tee hee

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

mamma's day

this mother's day the fam went out to the city. we wanted to go to alcatraz but they were sold out! what the hell? so we improvised and hung out at pier 39 and Ghiredelli square. it was a fun day. i am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and 2 little kiddos that are the loves of my life : )
my madre and me
my chloe bear and me

my mr man and me
attempting to take a family portrait. the kids were fighting over the green ball but i remained in pose.
we had lunch at boudin (YUM)
chloe had to save some bread so she could feed the birds on the way back to the car. i totally sang the "feed the birds" song from mary poppins while the kids fed the pigeons. people walking by kinda stared at us. i should have put a little cup out for tips... ha ha ha!

we went to Ghiredelli square hoping to find some cool little shops but there werent any. so we all made a wish at this cool fountain and then left.

last stop: lombard street. here's the view from the top. i heart SF. and i heart mi familia. it was a good day for sure!


Unknown said...

Happy belated Mommy's Day Reni! chloe is so stinkin cute! I love her! Look slike you guys had a good day. Muah! XOXO

Lori Huneke said...

happy mo fo day!! ha ha Jk!
im so happy to be on this journey of motherhood with you! its so wonderful and crazy all at the same time! I couldnt do it without you!

AlyssaP said...

I love the hair! Happy (Mother's kick-ass) Day! Did they find out what's wrong with you? I hope you're feeling better!